Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Everyone is a Blogger

So I was speaking with Alma two days ago. She came over for dinner with Michel. Alma strikes me as a person that thinks a lot. I think she would have some interesting things to say. In fact, I often think, "I wonder what Alma is thinking right now." So I brought up blogs with Alma and asked if she would create one. She said, get this, that she "didn't have anything to say!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

So the title of the blog gave it away, but I think that everyone is a blogger. Everyone has things that they ponder about that would add to the lives of those that read it. There are many kinds of blogs. Mine, for instance, is posting about things that I deem as important. These important things that I post about are things that I usually haven't completely thought out yet, or I haven't come to a conclusion yet, so I post to hear what others think. I started the blog because I wanted to make a community of people posting about things I wanted to hear more insights into. It is working perfectly right now. Although, I must say I would like more comments and more readers, but who doesn't?

Blogs give us a chance to know more about a person than just what their favorite music is, who their friends are, and if they added the vampire vs. ninja application or not. Blogs give us a chance to get to know those around us much better. Now, I acknowledge that many people are more private than I am, and they do not share the very serious things that they think about. I am fine with that. It isn't for everyone to bear your soul on this world wide web. But you don't have to only post about serious stuff. You can also post on a movie that you saw and what you thought of it. You can post on how you wish people would walk on sidewalks like we drive on roads, with oncoming traffic coming on your left side because it makes it easier when people organize. Or you could post about how you wish wealth was more equitably divided amongst the people of the world, or how how you wish the inequitabl distribution of wealth could be skewed more in your favor. All of those are great blog topics, to me, and none of them are too personal to share. You get my point.

We need more bloggers. I want to know my friends better.

Everyone, has deep thoughts. They may not be insightful, but they are deep. Otherwise, how would we make any decisions. Every person has made important decisions. Every person has opinions on things that matter in an intense way. We will use Michel, a.k.a. Jon, as an example. We call him Jon to protect his real identity. He grew up in a small town in Maine. He made choices to live the life of a Latter-Day Saint amidst those who did not share his faith. He chose to attend a university across the country. He is going to serve a mission. All of these things are extremely important things. Wouldn't it be interesting to hear his reasoning behind these choices? Wouldn't it be nice to hear others reflect on their opinions and attitudes about the life that goes on around them. We don't have to be insightful, we just have to think and share, and when we do that we have a community that can help us reach insightful states. 

I wish more people had a blog!

1 comment:

Makayla Steiner said...
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