Mikelle had not peed in her pants for about a week and a half. Even at night she was holding it. She just decided she wanted to be a "big girl" as she sees it. We were ecstatic. She would run in and tell us she had to pee or poo.
However, at Dan and Cindy's the other night Dan noticed that Mikelle had peed her pants. Ever since then she pees her underwear and then asks to go to the bathroom, alternating between being a "big girl" and not. It is strange.
I think it is something psychological. I think she did not know where she was or the bathroom situation at Dan and Cindy's house and peed her pants as a result of being in a strange situation. Now I think she has just come to feel like she has let us down or something, so she has given up.
Either way, I wonder what is in that little head. I really want her to feel absolutely comfortable and confident, and I hope that we are understanding her enough to meet her needs. I would be quite sad if I knew she felt like she had let us down, and was just giving in.
Hopefully we can figure it out.
Either way, I was dang proud of her for that week and a half. And actually still really am. She is a great kid!
She even got new undies for Christmas that she need to put on right away when she got them.
Potty training is sort of a weird thing, even for really smart little kids. A lot of little kids get really good at it for a while, then stop for no apparent reason. Two of my siblings reverted to diapers when younger brothers/sisters were born.
Besides, as abnormal as this seems, three of my mother's five children were almost four by the time they potty trained completely, one was three, and Christopher was a little miracle at 2 1/2. :) Dakota and I were both terrified of the toilet when we were little... and my niece had the same problem. There are lots of things that could be the "cause" of the potty training/no potty training thing. I'm sure it has very little to do with you or Kylee, and that Mikelle is just having a phase. :)
I read the family blog Kylee keeps every once in a while, and your kids are both growing so much!
I'm proud of her too. And don't worry we didn't find any surprises yet.
I always think of it this way....as adults we like to do things the easy way, but we realize that sometimes that isn't the BEST way, so we put forth the effort to do things the "right" way. Kids are very much the same. As smart and clean as it is to go potty in the toilet, it's so much EASIER to continue playing with your friend, or your toys, or watch your movie and just go in your pants. Kids eventually realize that it's BETTER and more comfortable to use the toilet. She's a smart girl and she will decide.
Well, I can only hope. I really just worry about what is going on in her head. She has peed three times in the toilet today. After she does she asks for underwear, but I told her she needs a solid day of using the toilet before she gets underwear again. She is doing well so far.
But I love that little girl so much.
You probably got it right when you said that she was in unfamiliar surroundings and not sure where the toilet was. It will make sense again when she's back home and she can trust that the toilet is always in the same place.
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