I was looking for anniversary cards the other day. Kylee and I had our 4th anniversary. We have been married a very, very long time. I like to give cards to Kylee, I think she is actually the only person I ever get cards for. I like her a lot, so it makes sense.
I was reading the cards and almost every card had something to the effect of:
"we have seen the good and bad times . . . "
I was thinking, yeah we have. Then I thought about it some more and realized I can't really say that is the case. Kylee and I have never really experienced the bad times. We have been in arguments, we have been mad at each other. But I would never classify those few occasions as "bad times." I wouldn't even say we have had any real big trials in our four year marriage (knock on wood - I am not asking for any).
I began to think about just the last eight years in general, since I was baptized. It has been great. Here are some things I want to bring special attention to:
1. Spirituality - this one is weird for me to talk about overall, because you guys do not live in my head - it probably wouldn't be that interesting. However, I think things are going really well.
2. Females - Well, one actually. I met Kylee and things are going great. I would say I have what I would consider an ideal marriage. Yes, it could improve, but I absolutely love it, and I think this is what marriage is supposed to be like.
3. Family - things are going overall well in this category also. Kylee and I have two superb children, we have lots of fun together and we love our extended family a great deal.
4. Education - this is one aspect of my life where I just step back and say "Am I really doing/accomplishing this?" I was an absolutely horrible high school student, and I am 2.5 years from graduating with a doctorate! That is crazy to me. Also, things went amazingly well. I got a total of 70,000/90,000 dollars that my grad school is paid for in scholarship money. Again, amazing. I hope I do well enough this year to keep the scholarship, but even if I don't, we have been incredibly blessed. The Lord helped me a great deal, I believe, to get a good LSAT score. It was something that when I look back at that time I can say I gave maximum effort and did my part for the Lord to bless me. And bless me he did - I got a good LSAT score in large part from the blessings of the Lord. I am truly grateful for his help in this section of my life, however, I often think that this aspect he helps me at too much, making me think that it won't be for me as much as this aspect will help others some day, in some way.
5. Physical Strength - I read the August 2006 Ensign First Presidency Message by Elder Faust about fathers (maybe September). In it he says that a man's first priority it to take care of his spiritual and physical body. I was surprised at how important he deemed it to be. He lists it in front of many things. I have not been doing so good in this category. I weighed myself the other night and I am at 187.5. That is the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I actually think I may have been 1.5 pounds heavier at the end of the mission, but you get the idea. My weight fluctuates so much. It is not a mystery as to why either--when I exercise I am skinny, when I do not, I am not. I need to do better in this category. I would say my ideal weight is about 160. I was 155 when I graduated high school, but I am a little older now and don't expect that. I am going to try to make this aspect a little better. However, it must be made known that I am very grateful for the health that I enjoy. I really have no health problems, which I really must acknowledge is an amazing gift from God.
6. Friendship - this one is easy. Kylee and I have the best friends there are. When I think about the people in my life, and the people we are closest to, I just am amazed at the quality of these people's character. Special mention must be made of Sam/Becky and Dan/Cindy. We have spent by far the most amount of time with these people and we cherish each moment we have spent with them. I really only miss Utah because this is where they live (and Cafe Rio). Growing up with Sam (and coming to know Becky) and living downstairs from Dan/Cindy are things that I am grateful to God for. Nothing makes life more enjoyable than good company. There are countless other people I would consider very good friends, but these are the people we have spent the most time with and as a result feel a special bond with. The fact that we all got married and had kids around the same time only further explains our bond, I believe.
So that is just a quick run-down. I feel like I have been so blessed. When I get a card for Kylee I want it to say thanks for making my life have few down times. I wrote in the card that I bought her that I was grateful for her and glad we have not needed to go through many really hard times. I also mentioned that she is probably the reason why. However, one thing that gives me great reassurance is that if those hard times ever do come, and they inevitably will, I know she will be there with me. She makes hard times seem not as bad.
Anyway, publicly, I am just a incredibly grateful person. Not only for the reasons I mentioned, but also for food, shelter, clothing and safety. What a blessing it is to not have to worry about other nations coming in and destroying our homes and generally taking away our peace and safety. This blessing, I believe, cannot be emphasized enough. Things are going just incredibly well. I wanted you all to know that, and give a shout out to our Heavenly Father, who I think is the Author of all that is good and desirable. I hope he knows that I am grateful to Him for these things also. I would consider myself, of all things, blessed.
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