So, what is sin. My friend had an interesting post the other day about how Nephi both lied to Zoram and killed Laban.
It seemed to me like the crux of the issue that he was getting to was: what is sin?
I find this question intriguing. I will give my answer.
For a person to commit sin they must do at least these four things, if I think about more I will add to this list later.
1. Do something that God does not want them to do.
2. Know that God does not want them to do it.
3. Desire to do the forbidden thing
4. Voluntarily choose to commit the act.
5. Commit the act (thoughts alone are tricky. Is it a sin if they are dwelled on, or is it automatically a sin. Remember, we have been told repeatedly that homosexuals are not sinning when they have a homosexual thought enter their mind. When does it become sin though? Jesus said when we lust over a woman we commit sin. There has to be some moment when it crosses the line. Maybe it is when we choose to think about it more, after it entered. This would go along with #4).
So those are my five things that a person must do to commit sin. I think if you do not meet all of these prongs you have not committed sin.
What do you think?
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