Sunday, July 27, 2008

Blogs, Journals, Friends, Choices

So I have woken up early today! That doesn't happen very often with me. Even more strange is that I woke up and was not tired. I decided to do some early Sunday morning-spiritual-strengthening. It has been nice. I have listened to "Discipleship" and "Free to Choose" by Neal A. Maxwell. They are powerful addresses.

I also wrote in my journal. It is incredibly rewarding to write in it. I was thinking about the nature of both pieces of writing and I was somewhat struck at the differences and similarities.

My blog is not very intimate. I do bear my feelings and thoughts in it, I think more than the average blogger on a very public blog. But I don't go very deep, at least not as deep as my journal. In my journal I am more likely to bear my soul. I don't even let Kylee read my journal. I wouldn't be upset if I ever found out that she had, but I ask her not to, at least not in the same year that I write it. You see, I keep my journal on my computer. I write in it and add pictures to the days that I am writing about . I print it out once a year and have it spiral bound and put plastic cover sheets on the front and back. It is very inexpensive and I write in it much more because it is on my computer and I hate writing the normal, hand written way. So, anyway, I don't care if Kylee reads previous years writings, I just don't want her to read current posts. It is too intimate, and I bear too much in them, for her to write in it. In my journal I mostly write about my attempts to follow God. I write about events and similar things also, just to keep a family history, but it is mostly my peaks and valleys that I experience in the hike to find God. It clearly outlines both successes and failures.

My blog, however, is not as intimate. I write mostly about things that I am thinking about. It isn't as personal. I write a blog mostly to have discussion about things that I am thinking about. I love comments and love some good, lively debate. It is a way to network with the people that I enjoy discussing things with.

It would be fascinating to see what would happen if I made my blog as personal as my journal. I am not going to do that, but I would be fascinated to see the outcome.

On another note, we went to Dan and Cindy's house yesterday with Sam and Becky. It was fun. I think about when we were first married, and none of us had kids and we hung out then. It was so different. We are still hanging out now, but our population has doubled. Each of us have two kids, a boy and a girl (we are all lucky, I know). Life turns out in ways that we never expect. Also, it seems to get sweeter with time. I think about our group of friends and marvel that all of us have made rather good choices. I can see it in our lives. I can sense, in the times we are together, that we are blessed. The Lord has been good to all of us. I hope we can continue to make good choices.

1 comment:

Carole said...

You are acknowledging the hand of God in your life, and recording it! Pres. Eyring and I are proud.
Matt, I am so grateful to know you. You are a light in my life. I'm finding out that when we give light to our children as we raise them, one day, very soon, we can look to them for light in our times of need. I'm there, and you're shining. Thanks.