So I talked to a girl at school today about religion (this is becoming a pattern). She was telling me how she thinks God is completely void of emotion of feeling. She said she relates him to nature, which is completely beautiful and lovely at times and then horrible and destructive later. She said, overall she doesn't know if a God exists, but she said if she did have an opinion of God that would be what she envisions.
I have a much different idea about God. I think she bases her belief on God by the fact that horrible things happen to people who in no way deserve these things. She was telling me about how she had bone cancer and how unjust it was. I have a very different view of God than she does.
I find God to be completely loving and absolutely caring about us. I think that earth is, by its nature, both beautiful and destructive and all the other things that she sees. But I think acts, by themselves, are rather meaningless in life, the only things that have lasting meaning is our reaction to events.
I believe God to be incredibly loving, and although he does see us down here struggling and having an incredibly difficult time, he weeps with us. He desires to help us but maintains our personal autonomy and respects our freedom to choose. So the violence and depravity that occur on earth are rather insignificant, it is our reaction that God cares about. I think he will cure all of the damage that has been done to us that was not a result of our actions. He will buoy up those who have been brought low. But he is incredibly loving, and this is something I know.
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